Roof Top On-Grid Setup

An on-grid solar system, also known as a grid-tied or grid-connected system, is connected to the electrical grid. It uses solar panels to generate electricity, which is then fed into the grid. This system does not typically have batteries for energy storage. The electricity generated by the solar panels can be used by the homeowner or business, and any excess electricity can be fed back into the grid for credits or sold to the utility company. On-grid systems rely on the grid for backup power when solar production is insufficient, such as during nighttime or low sunlight conditions.

On-Grid Solar System Salient Points:

  • Connected to the electrical grid, allowing for a two-way flow of electricity.
  • Excess electricity can be fed back into the grid or sold to the utility company, generating credits or income.
  • Does not include battery storage for energy backup.
  • Relies on the grid for power during times of low solar energy production.


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Marcel Moerkens